
Whale Watching in Colombia 2024: 5 Best Trips

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The whale watching season in Colombia is one of the most magical times of the year in our country, a completely natural spectacle where it’s possible to get respectfully close to these enormous cetaceans that visit the Pacific every year.

In this travel guide, based on our own experience, we’ll tell you the best dates for whale watching in Colombia and where to see them. Plus, we’ll recommend some travel plans departing from Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali.

Let’s begin:

Whale Watching Dates in Colombia 2024:

Humpback whale watching in Gorgona
Photo: @laura_novaeangliae

Whale season in Colombia begins every year, generally in July and lasts until October. During these months, humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to the warm waters of the Pacific to mate and give birth.

If you want to see humpback whales in Colombia, you should plan your trip weeks in advance, as the whale watching season coincides with the high season on the Pacific coast, meaning flights and hotels tend to sell out quickly.

What are the best dates for whale watching in Colombia? Although it’s possible to see whales in the Pacific between July and October, in our experience, August and September usually offer the highest chances of success. It’s important to remember that this is a completely natural event.

Where to See Whales in Colombia:

1. Bahía Málaga National Park, Buenaventura

Juan de Dios golden beach
Juan de Dios Beach, Bahía Málaga National Park. Photo: Travelgrafía

The Bahía Málaga National Park, located in the Valle del Cauca department, is one of the best destinations to enjoy whale watching in Buenaventura. Besides this wonderful natural event, you can explore beautiful beaches, navigate through mangroves, and swim in natural pools.

When you visit Bahía Málaga National Park and experience whale season in Buenaventura, make sure to check out the La Sierpe, El Ostional, and Las Tres Marías waterfalls, explore the dense jungle of the Colombian Pacific, and relax on the beautiful beaches of Ladrilleros, La Barra, and Juan de Dios.

To reach Bahía Málaga during the whale season in Colombia, you first need to head to Buenaventura. You can fly from Bogotá or take a bus from Cali or Medellín. From Buenaventura’s tourist dock, you’ll need to take a boat to the town of Juanchaco. Here you can inquire about available travel packages.

If you choose to arrive on your own, you can stay in Ladrilleros at the Hotel Reserva Aguamarina, Hostal Liliana, Hotel Costa Real, Surf House Estilo Libre, Wira Pora or La Salamandra. In Juanchaco, we recommend Acuarios Hostal. And in La Barra, Coco House.

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Humpback whale watching in Buenaventura
Humpback whale. Photo: Travelgrafía
Trip to Bahía Málaga from Cali
Kayaking at sunset in Bahía Málaga National Park. Photo: Travelgrafía
Cave at Juan de Dios beach in Bahía Málaga
Caves of Bahía Málaga National Natural Park. Photo: Travelgrafía

Tips for Booking Good, Cheap, and Cheerful Accommodation: If you wait until the last minute, it’s very likely that the best and most economical accommodations will already be booked, and you’ll have to settle for what is available. is our preferred website for booking accommodations without having to pay in advance. If you click here, you can get a discount of 15% or more. After entering your destination and travel dates, you can filter by price, location, and type of accommodation. Additionally, you can read reviews from others and book without a credit card.

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Plan recomendado: Avistamiento de ballenas en Bahía Málaga - 4 días / 3 noches

Planes a Bahía Málaga desde Cali

Viajar al Parque Nacional Natural Bahía Málaga es sumergirse en una experiencia sensorial y segura, explorando uno de los lugares más ricos en flora y fauna del Pacífico colombiano. Un destino ideal tanto para parejas como para familias en busca de aventura.

El plan es de 4 días e incluye transporte de ida y regreso desde el muelle de Buenaventura, hospedaje en hotel con piscina y mirador al mar, alimentación, tour de avistamiento de ballenas, recorrido ecológico por esteros y manglares, excursión a las cascadas Las Sierpes, Tres Marías y Chucheros, guía y seguro.

Viaje disponible todos los días hasta el 15 de octubre de 2024.

Precio por persona: $1.358.000 COP

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2. Nuquí: best places to see whales in Colombia

Nuquí Beaches
Termales Beach, Nuquí. Photo: Travelgrafía

Nuquí is a small town located in the department of Chocó, famous for its secluded beaches, tropical rainforest, and its impressive biodiversity. Without a doubt, it is one of the best places for whale watching on the Colombian Pacific coast, offering a natural, cultural, and gastronomic experience.

Although whale season in Nuquí is well-known both nationally and internationally, you’ll be happy to know that whale watching is not the only activity available. You can also learn to surf, participate in sea turtle releases, and walk along trails connecting the beaches and the jungle.

To get to Nuquí during whale watching season, you need to take a flight from Bogotá, Medellín, or Cali, as there are no road connections to the rest of the country. Then, you’ll need to head to the dock to board a boat that will take you to your hotel. Here you can inquire about all-inclusive packages.

If you decide to travel on your own and enjoy whale watching in Nuquí, keep in mind that the best beaches are in the districts of Guachalito, Termales, and Arusí. We recommend staying at: Posada El Esfuerzo, Cabañas Salomón, Punta Brava, Casa Colibrí, and Retoño del Negro Gozón.

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Humpback whale season in Colombia
Humpback whale season in Colombia. Photo: Travelgrafía
When is the humpback whale watching season?
Photo: Travelgrafía
Nuquí hot springs, Chocó
Termales district, Nuquí, Chocó. Photo: Travelgrafía

How to Find Last-Minute Cheap Flights? While it is important to plan your trip in advance, we understand that it’s not always possible. So, if you are looking for affordable tickets to travel soon and save some money, we recommend using Skyscanner. is a tool that allows you to compare flights from different airlines to find the best rates. To use it, click here, enter the departure and destination cities, and the travel date. With this information, it will search for the most affordable options, and you can choose based on price or layovers.

Is it safe to buy flights on Skyscanner? It depends. After selecting a flight, you’ll see a list of links from various airlines and agencies. The safest way is to purchase your tickets through the airline´s link. If you decide to buy from an agency, you should be a bit more cautious.

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Plan recomendado: Avistamiento de ballenas en Nuquí, Chocó - 4 días / 3 noches

Tour avistamiento de ballenas en Nuquí Chocó

Viajar a Nuquí es una experiencia que te sumerge en paisajes de ensueño y en la desconexión total que tanto necesitas. Este plan es perfecto para aquellos que buscan playas solitarias, explorar la selva y disfrutar del avistamiento de ballenas jorobadas.

El plan incluye alojamiento en habitación privada en hotel frente a la playa, deliciosa alimentación, caminata por la playa para visitar la Cascada del Amor, Termales y una inolvidable salida de avistamiento de ballenas. No incluye vuelos.

Últimas fechas del año 2024: del 27 al 30 septiembre, 4 al 7 octubre y del 11 al 14 octubre.

Precio por persona desde: $1.715.000 COP

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3. Bahía Solano, Chocó

Humpback whales in Chocó, Colombia
Photo: gabrielp07

Bahía Solano is another place to see whales in Colombia. However, it is surprisingly underrated, which is unfortunate since it is a safe place, full of natural and cultural charm, and on par with its neighboring town, Nuquí.

Even though Bahía Solano has remained unexplored and has had to deal with the stigma of violence, it is slowly showing the world the treasures hidden in its beaches, rivers, and jungles, as well as the cultural value of its Afro-Colombian people and their roots.

We consider Bahía Solano one of the best places to see whales in Colombia, not only because it is home to hundreds of humpback whales, but also for its stunning beaches like Huina, El Almejal, and Los Deseos, and as the gateway to the Ensenada de Utría National Park.

Keep in mind that Bahía Solano is isolated from the rest of the country, and fortunately, there is no road that cuts through the tropical rainforest to reach this beautiful place. Therefore, you must take a flight from Medellín or Bogotá. Click here to get quotes for all-inclusive packages.

If you decide to travel on your own, keep in mind that the best accommodations are located on the outskirts of the town. Our recommendations are: The Pelican House Hostel, The Humpback Turtle, Hakuna Matata Hostel, Tortuga Bay, Coco Loco Lodge, and Utría Hostel.

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Liberation of sea turtles on Chocó beach
Liberation of sea turtles. Photo: Travelgrafía
Ensenada de Utría
Photo: Travelgrafía
Playa Blanca Ensenada de Utría
Playa Blanca at Ensenada de Utría. Photo: Travelgrafía

Why book a whale watching tour in Colombia? Although it is possible to plan and take the trip on your own, booking an organized trip is an excellent idea, as it allows you to include flights, activities, accommodation, meals, and the guidance of local guides in one package.

Additionally, as you may have noticed, finding flights to destinations like Nuquí, Bahía Solano, and Gorgona can be tricky due to limited route availability and frequencies. So, if you want to enjoy the whale-watching season without complications, an organized tour will take care of all the details.

In these links, you can request prices and more information about whale watching tours in Colombia:

Request info on trips to Nuquí

Request info on trips to Gorgona

Request info on trips to Bahía Málaga

Plan recomendado: Temporada de ballenas en Bahía Solano - 4 días / 3 noches

Planes de viaje a Bahía Solano

En este viaje a Bahía Solano, disfrutarás de un entorno natural y cultural que te brindará la oportunidad de conocer la rica diversidad del Pacífico chocoano y disfrutar del avistamiento de su flora y fauna nativa.

El plan incluye vuelos ida y regreso desde Bogotá o Medellín, hospedaje frente a la playa en acomodación doble privada, alimentación, dos salidas para ver las ballenas, caminata por la selva húmeda tropical hasta la playa de Los Deseos y los Riachuelos de Juná, así como seguro de viaje.

Últimos cupos disponibles: del 3 al 6 octubre y del 10 al 13 octubre.

Precio por persona con vuelos desde Medellín: desde $2.600.000 COP

Precio por persona con vuelos desde Bogotá: desde $2.850.000 COP

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4. Isla Gorgona: Best whale-watching tours

Destinations to visit in the Colombian Pacific
Photo: @tompinzon

Isla Gorgona is one of the most fascinating national parks in Colombia, located about 50 kilometers off the coast of Guapi, in the department of Cauca. This island in the Colombian Pacific captivates with its vast marine and terrestrial diversity, reflected in its tropical jungle and coral reefs.

The island is famous for having housed one of the country’s most feared prisons for 25 years. Today, the prison has been transformed into a protected area where life has thrived, now standing out as one of the best destinations for diving and whale watching.

If you’re still wondering when whale-watching season in Colombia is, remember that it’s between July and October. When visiting Gorgona, be sure to also explore the ruins of the old prison, hike through the jungle to Playa Palmeras, and, if possible, dive or snorkel at Playa Yundigua.

To reach Isla Gorgona, you must first take a flight from Cali to Guapi, a trip that lasts less than an hour. Once in Guapi, you’ll board a boat that will take you to Gorgona in 2 hours. If you want to travel during whale-watching season, you can check the available tours here.

Recommended: 10 Islands to Visit in Colombia

Get a quote for a trip to Gorgona

Whale in Gorgona
Photo: @lauraptera23
Fauna of Isla Gorgona Colombia
Photo: @tompinzon

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Plan recomendado: Ballenas en Isla Gorgona desde Bogotá - 4 días / 3 noches

Viaje a Isla Gorgona con vuelos desde Bogotá

Embárcate en una experiencia única en el Pacífico colombiano! Descubre Isla Gorgona, un santuario natural con playas inexploradas y una rica vida marina. Contempla ballenas jorobadas en su entorno natural y sumérgete en la cultura vibrante de Guapi.

El plan incluye vuelos de ida y vuelta desde Bogotá, alojamiento en habitación privada para pareja, alimentación, tour de avistamiento de ballenas, caminatas a las playas Palmeras y Yundigua y al antiguo penal, tour cultural en Guapi con visita a taller artesanal y de marimbas.

Últimas fechas del año 2024: del 27 al 30 septiembre, 4 al 7 octubre y del 11 al 14 octubre.

Precio por persona desde: $2.905.000 COP

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5. Tumaco, Nariño

Humpback whales in Gorgona Island
Photo: laura_novaeangliae

The municipality of Tumaco, located in the department of Nariño, is one of the best destinations for humpback whale watching in Colombia. Commonly known as the “Pearl of the Pacific”, it stands out for its natural beauty and cultural richness.

Although it was affected by armed conflict for many years, nature and cultural tourism have emerged as a path of hope, offering opportunities to transform the lives of many communities. To get there, you can take a flight from Bogotá or Cali, and stay at the Nabu Hotel or Colón Plaza Hotel.

Tip: If you’re planning to travel to Colombia from abroad, with this Holafly eSIM, you’ll have unlimited data and keep your number for calls and WhatsApp without worrying about expensive roaming fees. Also, remember to get international medical insurance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Whale watching season in Nuquí
Beaches of Nuquí, Chocó, Colombia. Photo: Travelgrafía

When do whales arrive in Colombia? The humpback whale watching season in Colombia typically begins around July 15 and extends until mid-October 2024.

Where can whales be seen in Colombia? While it is possible to see them in many coastal towns along the Colombian Pacific, the destinations with the greatest ecotourism focus are Bahía Málaga, Nuquí, Bahía Solano, Gorgona Island, and Tumaco.

What is the best place to see whales in Colombia? Although each destination has its own charm, you can enjoy similar landscapes and ecosystems in all of them. The most important thing is to immerse yourself in the experience and learn from nature.

Now that you know all about the whale season in Colombia…

It is essential to understand that, regardless of the destination you choose for humpback whale watching in Colombia, it is necessary to be patient and very responsible during the experience.

Avoid feeding the whales and do not throw waste into the sea. It is crucial to remember that whale watching is a natural event, and therefore, it is vital to respect the space of these majestic beings.

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Plan recomendado: Ciudad Perdida desde Santa Marta - 4 días / 3 noches

Plan a Ciudad Perdida barato

Este viaje a Ciudad Perdida es de 4 días, incluye transporte en vehículo 4x4 desde la ciudad de Santa Marta, de ida te podemos recoger en el centro histórico, El Rodadero, Taganga y el centro de Minca, y de regreso puedes quedarte en la entrada del Tayrona.

El plan también incluye alojamiento en campamentos de campesinos e indígenas, alimentación completa, hidratación, guía bilingüe, recorrido guiado, entradas y seguro de asistencia médica.

Salidas garantizadas todos los días!

Precio por persona en PROMOCIÓN: $1.800.000 COP

Promoción válida para viajar hasta el 31 de diciembre 2024, después se pasará a la tarifa habitual de $2.150.000 COP.

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Plan recomendado: Rafting en Cañón del Güejar - 3 Días / 2 noches

Tour rafting Güejar Meta

En este emocionante viaje vas a explorar con total seguridad el Cañón del río Güejar y sus alrededores, y podrás disfrutar de actividades de aventura como el rafting en uno de los lugares más hermosos de Colombia.

El plan comienza en Mesetas e incluye rafting en el río Güejar, visita a la Cascada Arenales y caminata al Paraíso de las Cascadas. Además, ofrece hospedaje, alimentación, guías certificados, préstamo de equipos de seguridad y seguro de viaje.

Viaje disponible todos los fines de semana y puentes festivos.

Precio por persona: $855.000 COP.

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En Travelgrafía, conectamos a viajeros apasionados por la naturaleza y la cultura con guías de viaje que inspiran a descubrir la Colombia inexplorada y recorrer Latinoamérica.

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